As part of the “DEVELOPMENT DAY”, trainees of retraining courses and employees visited
Center of HEALTHY SPINE “Aikune”. @aikune_kokshetau
“Aikune” is useful and informative.
Almost 99% of children have impaired posture, many are diagnosed with scoliosis.
The basis of the Kazakh therapeutic gymnastics “Aikune” is a unique system of recovery and technology, which our ancestors owned.
- The world famous Chinese qigong and Indian yoga, which is a distillation of the culture of these nations. “Aikune” in its efficiency and philosophical content is not inferior to them.
- Literally after the first lessons a person understands that everything is for his good: the body wakes up, the muscles are strengthened.
- Gymnastics teaches how to sit, stand, lie and walk correctly.
- hernia and protrusion of intervertebral discs;
- diseases of the spine and joints;
- osteochondrosis, scoliosis, arthritis, arthrosis;
All participants of the lesson felt how the internal resources of the body are activated!