

The branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Akmola region announces a competition for invited lecturers / trainers to conduct training modules / disciplines under a contract for the provision of paid services for the year 2022.

By January 11, you must provide a resume and presentation.We are waiting for you on January 13 at Abai 87B.

Contacts on competitive selection issues:⠀⠀

8 (7162) 25 64 42⠀

The selection of lecturers will take place for the following disciplines:

  • Ethics and image of a civil servant.
  • Coaching technologies in management.
  • People first: practical tools for improving the quality of public services.
  • Career and family: how to keep balance?
  • Anti-corruption management and compliance.
  • Optimization of business processes.
  • Data visualization and analytics.
  • Tools for strategic HR management in government bodies.
  • Project management: preparation for certification ST RK ISO 21500-2014 (Project manager)
  • Peculiarities of accounting in government bodies. IPSAS.
  • People First: Practical Tools for Improving the Quality of Public Services
  • Communication management. Blogging. Storytelling.
  • Public speaking. Interaction with the media.
  • Information security. Technologies and tools (in the state language)
  • Document circulation: official and business letter (in the state language)
  • Conflict settlement and ethnomediation.
  • Development of digital competencies of civil servants (in the state language)
  • Practice of applying the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Code.
  • Official correspondence and preparation of documents in the state language (in the state language)
  • Document circulation: official and business letter (in the state language)
  • Accounting and reporting in government bodies.
  • Social policy. Implementation of social projects in the region: a project-based approach.
  • Innovations in city management: housing and communal services, architecture, construction.
  • Effective management of rural areas.
  • Public services: regional practice and main problems.
  • Organization of military registration in state and non-state organizations.
  • Change management and innovation in the public sector.
  • Algorithm of actions of a civil servant in an emergency.
  • Inclusive society – transformation of consciousness.
  • Local self-government: the basics of integrated development of territories (in the state language)
  • Hearing state: external and internal communications (in the state language)
  • Managing the performance of public services (in the state language)